
woj. Poland
  • liczba ludności 4 770
  • prawa miejskie od 1959

Karpacz is a town which does not have to be introduced. It is situated in a beautiful surroundings of the Western Sudetes. The most popular choice of hikers is the highest peak of the Karkonosze Mountains- Śnieżka- to which lead all hiking trails from Karpacz. 

Karpacz is always full of tourists. In winter it attracts skiing and other winter sports amateurs. In summer, it offers a number of tourist trails, ideal for mountain and forest walking. In autumn and spring, there are still tourists keen on mountain trips and beautiful views.

Tourists who come to Karpacz appreciate not only beautiful views of the mountains. After going down from the mountains they choose to walk down the recently renovated pedestrian area, which is the tourist, gastronomic and entertainment centre. Therefore, the town council decided to make this place even more attractive by setting a number of the Flower Towers.

Iwo Sznajder

Wondering together with the town councilors of Karpacz about the planting the pedestrian area, first of all, we took into account the possibilities which the place gives us. It was clear that the planters have to be resistant to the damages, can’t limit the flow of tourists and cannot be negatively influenced by the time. This goal was achieved by taking advantage of four different versions of the Flower Towers: H750, H1200 1/2, H1200 and H2000.

Iwo Sznajder | Polish Speaking Customer Service Specialist


Lack of the Substrate
Lack of the Substrate
Colorless Alley
Colorless Alley
Limited Space
Limited Space
Problematic Place
Problematic Place

The pavement in the centre of Karpacz needed a little bit of nature- that was for sure. The challenging aspect were limited space, crowded pavements, lack of the substrate for planting. The next important matter was the high quality and durability so that they could resist the severe weather conditions, theft or damage, which is possible in such  popular places. Also, the aesthetics was an important aspect as it was all about adding some attractiveness to the main walking area.


The Flower Towers appeared in four different versions in the centre of Karpacz. The H750, H1200 ½, H1200 and H2000 models decorated the pedestrian zone in strategic locations: next to the benches, in chill out zones for adults and children, in front of the important buildings and along the streets to separate the cars from the pavements. Together they created a consistent flower composition, which emphasized the prestige of the place and brought nature closer to people.
